Jun 8, 2012

Stories that Make Spectators and Sponsors Smile

By Cheryl Roche

There aren’t many sponsorship opportunities at the professional sports level or through traditional media that can make a corporation feel as proud as those who sponsor high school athletics.  This was witnessed just this week when a sophomore runner for West Liberty-Salem High School carried her opponent across the finish line after collapsing during the 3,200-meter race at the Ohio High School Athletic Association Track and Field Championships.  This selfless athlete not only helped the fallen foe to the finish line, but assured that she crossed the line first, leaving herself in last place. 


This feel-good story is just one of many at the high school level that shows genuine sportsmanship.  And it’s these types of tales that really resonate with fans as well as with anyone in the community who has the opportunity to see or hear how high school athletes are demonstrating respect and honor toward competitors, on the fields and in gyms across the country. 

High school students participate in athletics for the excitement, socialization and competition it brings.  But throughout this experience, they are also building character and self esteem. This recent heroic encounter is a perfect example of the real-life situations that these students come across.  But with many high school budgets being cut, the athletic and activity programs that provide these valuable lessons of teamwork, sportsmanship and dedication are becoming more and more difficult to fund. 

High school athletics is a great choice for corporations who are looking to direct sponsorship dollars toward cause-related marketing.  Their support can help struggling schools make sports more affordable for student-athletes.  With a portion of their investment going directly back to the school or state association that they support, corporations can take pride in their efforts to help keep high school athletics and activities alive.  Their involvement can make a huge impact on the lives of these students and in the communities where they study, work and live. 

In return, the community recognizes and appreciates this assistance.  There is a strong affinity for corporations that give back to the community.  According to a Survey conducted by Turkey Research in 2010, 76 % of high school sports fans agree that they make a conscious effort to support sponsors of their local high school’s athletic department.  It’s a win, win - - for the schools and the sponsors! 

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