Jun 7, 2011

Drink Chocolate Milk

We love chocolate milk! We really do. It may sound like a commercial, but it really is the ideal beverage for student athletes to drink, heck, it’s good for adults too! We have several marathoners in our office who swear by chocolate milk as a recovery drink. The American Dairy Council is quick to extol the benefits: carbohydrates, protein, fluid and electrolytes to re-hydrate, and vitamins and minerals to help build strong bones and bodies. What we like BEST about chocolate milk though is how the ADA has stepped up to support high school student athletes in Ohio, Michigan, Tennessee and now Utah (and hopefully two more than we cannot announce yet - we don't want to jinx it!). The main objective for these campaigns is to get chocolate milk into as many hands as possible via product sampling at state association championship events. All of you reading know the importance of funding to not only high schools directly, but also to state associations. The support of the ADA and the local dairy associations goes a long way in helping out student athletes.

Please see how HTM, along with our Association partners, has positioned Chocolate Milk within the respective championships and Association literature.

In addition to the partnerships you see here, we also know that Dairy councils in several other states have stepped up and established very successful partnerships. If you have any questions regarding any or all of the initiatives involving Milk, please do not hesitate to contact Dan Malone at Home Team Marketing.

Finally - Thank you to the Dairy Councils in each of these respective regions for stepping up and helping the mission of School Based Sports!

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