Feb 23, 2012
Let's End the Chess Game
My post today is going to be very short and to the point. I was in a meeting yesterday with a potential client and we were discussing all the fun stuff when negotiating a partnership: mainly what is going to be executed and what the investment level is going to be. Because I have a great relationship with this person we finally got to a point in the discussion where I said, "can we just end this chess game?" The chess game that I am referring to is the one between the property and the partner and the evaluation of the give (what the sponsor receives in the form of exposure) and the get (what the property receives in value for the exposure).
In order to move partnership/sponsorships forward we need need to realize the amount of time both sides spend on this game is ultimately lost value that could have been better directed into the partnership. Obviously neither side wants to be overworked or pay for something where they are not realizing the proposed value, but there is a better process that we can adopt that will ultimately lead to partners with higher investment levels and longer commitments.
The way to end this game and maximize the value of the partnership is to first get a hard dollar that the partner would be willing to spend and then the property builds to that level. This process allows the partner to clearly lay out all expectations and expected goals and it allows the property to build a partnership that maximizes the value proposition but also achieves the revenue goals (we are not selling partnership to make $0, but that is for another post).
Think about it in terms of building a house. As the buyer, you pick out a neighborhood, plot of land, and even a style of house. The next step is the most important, you would hire an architect to construct a blueprint of exactly what your house will look like inside and out. If you approve the blueprint, the house is built and hopefully you have received exactly what you were expecting at the amount you predetermined was acceptable.
All too often we are in the position of skipping the blueprint process and we jump straight to building something and we do not necessarily even know if this is what the buyer is looking for or expecting. As properties we have to push the potential partners to give us a dollar amount that they would be comfortable investing before we build their product, otherwise we are guessing or worse playing a "Chess Game"!
Feb 21, 2012
Effectively using Facebook
5 Ways to Increase Your Facebook Fan Engagement
By Jim Belosic
Published February 14, 2012
Want to increase your Facebook fan engagement?
Keep reading for some simple techniques to get your fans more involved.
Even if you’re active on your Facebook page’s wall by posting regular status updates, interacting with fans and answering questions, you’re still missing out if you aren’t using calls to action.
A call to action encourages or even incentivizes fans’ responses to your content, and it can be as basic as a simple status update.
Your fans will enjoy interacting with your Facebook page and your page will benefit the most with increased visibility, traffic and marketing opportunities.
Many Facebook page admins aren’t quite sure how to foster an active fanbase, so here are five effective ways to call your fans to action.
#1: Post Fan-Centered Status Updates
You want to get your business in front of your fans. But how do you do that? Too many page admins resort to posting the same status updates over and over as a solution. But in the long run, that technique becomes annoying to fans and it doesn’t play to the power of EdgeRank.
EdgeRank is the algorithm Facebook uses to determine the importance of a status update. The more comments a status update receives, the higher its EdgeRank. The higher the EdgeRank, the higher that update is placed in news feeds. In addition, Facebook will display that update to more people. This means getting comments should be your goal with your status updates.
To get more comments, tailor your status updates to ask for your fans’ opinions, stories and even advice. The comments will float your post to the top of your fans’ news feeds, giving more fans the opportunity to interact.
#2: Start Conversation With Relevant Content
If you’ve tried asking your fans for input but you’re still hearing crickets, it’s time to look back over your status updates and evaluate your posts. Are you posting more about your company or your community?
Facebook users want—and will respond to—relevant content. A car company that posts nothing but advertisements in their status updates won’t get nearly the response they would if they posted information about tire recalls, car seat safety test results and tips to improve gas mileage. Give your fans a reason to chime in by creating status updates that discuss issues they care about.
#3: Enable Sharing and Get Traffic to Your Custom ContentToo often, Facebook page admins create these gorgeous, highly functional tabs, but fail to include a call to action. It’s not just your status updates that are important; every bit of content on your page is important, and you need to get that content spread around Facebook. That’s why all of your content must be sharable.
All of your content can include a share button that encourages your fans to post that content to their walls. If you’re holding a sweepstakes, provide fans with a share prompt upon entry submission so that they can let their friends know they’ve entered your contest. When one person watches your video or enters your contest, that’s great. But if that fan tells their 200-plus friends about your content, that’s more clicks, more traffic and potentially more business.
It doesn’t matter what the content is. If it isn’t sharable, it isn’t benefiting your page as much as it could be.
#4: Sign Up Now! Create Action-Based Incentives
Your custom Facebook tabs are a great place for your newsletter or customer relationship management sign-up form. If you aren’t seeing the number of sign-ups you had hoped for, incentivize it.
Remind your fans what is sent to subscribers (like coupons). It’s a great way both to populate your list and get your fans excited about your product or service.
Want to drive up your fan count and increase engagement at the same time? Create a custom tab with a fan-gated contest. Serve non-fans a message that tells them about the prize, but inform them that they have to like the page to be eligible to enter. Once the non-fan clicks Like, present an entry submission form that collects your targeted user data, whether that’s an email address or phone number.
If you’re giving away something good, you’ll get the likes and you’ll get the data. However, it’s important to note that if your contest is on a welcome tab, don’t gate the whole thing. You don’t have to let non-fans be eligible for contests and promos, but you can’t hide all of your content from them.
The more content you gate—the more abandonment you’ll see.
Remember—Fans First!
All of these steps revolve around fan-centric content. While this looks different from brand to brand, the first step in successfully creating a call to action is to put yourself in your fans’ shoes. So ask yourself—Why do they like my brand? My page? What do they all have in common? What interests do they share? Answering these questions will help you find your starting point.
About the Author, Jim Belosic
Jim Belosic is the CEO and co-founder of ShortStack, a Facebook platform–based application helping businesses build customized tabs for Facebook pages that maximize their social media presence and potential. Other posts by Jim Belosic »
Feb 14, 2012
State Association Sponsorships -
State of High School Sponsorships
Companies all across the country are starting to see the benefits of partnering with State High School Athletic Associations. They see the high school space as a growing market and want to take advantage of it. The goal of this post is to show you how fast this market is growing and who exactly is spending money in high school athletics.
As you can see from the graph above we have broken out the top 10 industries that have chosen to spend money at the State Association level and how many partnerships they currently hold. These industries see the Championship level as a great place to get their message out. Sporting Good Retailers like Sports Authority and Eastbay have taken advantage of this opportunity and currently have over 50 active sponsorships in 25 associations. They see that a majority of their potential consumers are playing or attending these events and hope that by spending money there they will drive people to their stores. Also Sports Equipment companies like Wilson, Rawlings, and Spalding have taken interest in the market and have seen the advantage of becoming the “official ball” of the association. At the other end you can see that the QSR category which includes companies like Subway and Wendy’s is starting to take interest in high school athletics. This category in particular is one to keep your eye on as we predict it will be one of the fastest growing markets for high schools. Finally if you take a look at this graph you can see that the industries that tend to spend money at the professional level are towards the bottom of the top 10 which make the high school market even that more appealing to potential sponsors.
I hope this post was a helpful one for you and that you have learned that your industry is a growing one and that there are people out there that are willing to spend money in high school athletics!
Feb 1, 2012
The conversation continues....in SBJ
Influence of high school sports goes overlooked
Published January 30, 2012, Page 24
When one considers the collective reach of high school sports, no one can match our numbers. Nor can anyone match the importance of the outcomes we engender. Our country’s leaders in government, industry, medicine and education have had their characters formed, to an extraordinary degree, by their high school sports experiences. For example, President Obama often cites his basketball efforts at Punahou High School in Hawaii, and House Speaker John Boehner makes equal note of his football days at Cincinnati’s Moeller High School.
The macro numbers are striking. Over 19,000 high schools provide nearly 8 million young people opportunities to play high school sports. More people attend high school sporting events than college and professional sports events combined. The growth of Web streaming will widen the gap. Yet the business media, including SBJ, largely pass on high schools. At a time when budget cuts threaten the existence of many school sports programs, business leaders should recognize the key role of high school sports in developing the next generation of employees and entrepreneurs, not to mention the current generation of consumers.
Studies consistently show students who participate in high school sports make better grades, have better attendance and fewer discipline referrals, and graduate at a higher rate than students who do not participate. Supporting the young people who participate in high school sports will keep the doors open to these programs and help us build the leaders of tomorrow.
None of the people who lead high school sports programs would claim to rank in the top 50 most influential people in sports business. However, the collective role of such leaders has an enormous influence on the nation’s future.
Gardner is executive director of the National Federation of State High School Associations.